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Toxic Masculinity

by  Susan Jarvis Bryant voice of henry_itez Our Worthy Sons dedicated to Samuel Our worthy sons should never be ashamed Of who they are and who they’re meant to be. For far too long men’s gender has been blamed In wars that weaponize identity. To hell with  toxic masculinity — That noxious term indelibly ingrained In minds so duped and blind they fail to see Our worthy sons should never be ashamed. No baby boy is born to be constrained By chromosomes or nationality. No baby boy is born to be defamed For who he is and who he’s meant to be. Dividers hex and vex society Till patriarchy’s name is trashed and stained By twisted takes on inequality— For far too long men’s gender has been blamed. Our worthy sons are slammed and damned and framed For heinous acts in long-gone history. They’re criticized and demonized and maimed In wars that weaponize identity. Woke, factious terms like  male supremacy (Designed to geld the gallant) have inflamed This mother’s ire to fight vile misandry— To sta

Symptoms and signs of dementia


Symptoms and signs of dementia

Signs of dementia can differ enormously. Examples include:

  • Concerns with short-term memory.
  • Maintaining trail of a purse or wallet.
  • Settling bills.
  • Scheduling and preparing meals.
  • Recalling arrangements.
  • Traveling out of the vicinity.


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