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Toxic Masculinity

by  Susan Jarvis Bryant voice of henry_itez Our Worthy Sons dedicated to Samuel Our worthy sons should never be ashamed Of who they are and who they’re meant to be. For far too long men’s gender has been blamed In wars that weaponize identity. To hell with  toxic masculinity — That noxious term indelibly ingrained In minds so duped and blind they fail to see Our worthy sons should never be ashamed. No baby boy is born to be constrained By chromosomes or nationality. No baby boy is born to be defamed For who he is and who he’s meant to be. Dividers hex and vex society Till patriarchy’s name is trashed and stained By twisted takes on inequality— For far too long men’s gender has been blamed. Our worthy sons are slammed and damned and framed For heinous acts in long-gone history. They’re criticized and demonized and maimed In wars that weaponize identity. Woke, factious terms like  male supremacy (Designed to geld the gallant) have inflamed This mother’s ire to fight vile misandry— To sta


 What is dementia?

Dementia is not a single illness; it’s a general term — like any other disease — that shields a broad scope of distinct medical essentials, including Alzemer's disease. Disorders classified under the broad phrase “dementia” are compelled by bizarre brain transformations. These transitions initiate a reduction in thinking skills, also known as cognitive abilities, intense enough to damage daily life and independent process. They also impact behavior, emotions, and associations.

Alzheimer's disease accounts for 60-80% of patients.  Vascular Dementia, which transpires because of tiny bleeding and blood vessel blockage in the brain, is the second numerous typical cause of dementia. Those who encounter the brain transformations of multiple types of dementia simultaneously hold mixed dementia. Numerous other illnesses can induce signs of dementia, including some that are reversible, such as thyroid issues and vitamin deficits.

Dementia is often mistakenly referred to as "senility" or "senile dementia," which recalls the formerly widespread but mistaken belief that serious mental deterioration is a normal part of aging.


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